Financial Donation
Your financial donation (versus shipping in-kind goods) is better for us for three reasons:
First, the taxation on imported goods—even for NGOs (non-government organizations/charities)—is excessive.
Second, the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Ethiopia birr, is roughly $1 to 50 birrs. This makes your dollar go a lot further within Ethiopian borders versus purchasing items in your country and shipping them to us.
It is quicker (by two to three months) and easier for us to convert your dollars to birr and buy what we need for the children, providing the goods we are seeking are available. (Note: Some items we have no choice but to import). For example, every three or four months, we ship a container of one million, highly nutritious meals from Canada to Ethiopia to serve our students.)
See our donation page for projects you can support and specific ways to DONATE.
Take a
Mission Trip
Short-Term, Mid-Term, or Long-Term Mission Trip
A real-life, hands-on experience with these children is worth a thousand words in a brochure! We invite you to come work with and among the children. We can tailor a program to fit whatever skills, talents, or gifts you have to share—whatever you are interested in! The children are like sponges and excited to learn.
If you can speak English, you can teach English—no teaching experience is required. Stay as long as you can—a week, two weeks, three months, six months, nine months. Simply leave when you must. All ages are welcome. You can come as an individual, as a family, as a church group, as a Sunday School team, or class. We make all the arrangements on your behalf.
For more information or an application, contact:
Teri Haag
Blessing the Children International
(989) 667-8850

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